Dare we say
it but it’s almost that time. Summer will be over before we know it and the
kids will be heading back to school. As you start your back to school shopping
and planning we’d like to offer a few things to add to you list.
- Make a dental appointment. You should bring you
child at least once a year and the beginning of school is a good time to
do it. This will help your child avoid dental problems during the school
year by hopefully catching them early or preventing them all together. A dental
assessment prior to the return to school can prevent sudden toothaches
and missed days of school.
- Start a brushing and flossing routine. While most parents know children
should be brushing twice and flossing once a day during the summer many
kids skip brushing, flossing or both. Schedule a set time in the morning
for your kids a few weeks before school starts to get back into a good
routine. Even if this means you have to personally supervise your child’s
teeth-cleaning routine.
- Teach kids to rinse during school. We should all brush after
every meal but it doesn't always happen. Teach your kids to rinse by either
bringing mouthwash to school or taking a trip to the water fountain.
- Get fitted with a custom sports
guard. If your child is going to participate in any contact sports,
this is the time to have them fitted with a custom sports guard. A sports
guard will protect their gums and the permanent teeth that have arrived.
dentistry has changed a lot since you were a kid. Today's technology and advanced
dental techniques provide a far more comfortable experience for children. Make an appointment at our Weston dental
practice for your kids' back to school dental exam. At some point
your kids may even thank you.